On a whim, I decided to track down the necessary parties to get a press pass into this show. I’d never photographed an indoor concert before, but could only imagine how difficult it would be with the lighting and no flash. I wasn’t disappointed with my imaginings – it is very difficult. I took quite a few shots and whittled them down to these 37 of my favorites to share. Some are not absolutely tack sharp, but that’s ok with me – they are unforgettable moments from that night that I’ve transferred from my brain, to my lens, to here. Some are weird and you may not get them --- that’s ok too. My goal was to fuse the traditional with the nontraditional, and have a good mix. And nothing too samey. I tried to share color and b&w evenly. Crosses use a lot of b&w in their promotions and imagery. I wanted to recreate that in post-processing as it fits them well.
I want to thank the person who provided Jennifer Lee Heap and I press passes to this show. You were quite hard to track down, but well worth the effort. It was an experience I’ll never forget as I was able to photograph some of my favorite musical artists in their element. I’m eternally grateful. (Please don’t ask who this person is; I will not share their info).
Lastly, thanks to Crosses ††† for an unforgettable performance. I informed some fellow fan friends of mine that it was probably the best sounding concert I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to a LOT. Everything sounded crisp, even, and amazing. Nothing drowned out anything else. It was a perfect mix – studio quality. Kudos to you and your crew. I’ll always hold the badge of honor of being one of the first to see you live outside of California. Well done, and good luck on your future dates. Looking forward to 02/11.
Entire show video here (not taken by me):